One of my greatest privileges out here is to drive the van on Tuesday for Youth Group. It's always a bit nerve wracking to keep my eyes on 14 youth, the road, and the occasional herd of cows or horses.
FYI, that picture was taken this past Tuesday by Morgan Granberry as we were stuck in Rez traffic for 10-12 minutes.
When driving the van, it's a great time to interact with the kids and listen to music. We usually listen to "Church" music and one of my favorite things is to hear the youth in the back singing and singing loudly. Without fail, when I put on "Mighty To Save," "All I Owe," or "On Jordan's Stormy Banks," it gets a little quiet and most of the teenagers are chiming in and singing. Several have great voices and have been helping Heather lead music. Don't tell them, but when they are sitting right behind me, I can hear every note.
As we work here to start a church and love the community, one of the most exciting changes I've seen is in the area of music. It makes me happy and proud to see the teenagers leading worship, playing guitar, and praising the Lord together, in the vans, at Church, and at Youth Group. Chuck always talks about how one of his favorite things out here is singing with the youth and hearing them praising God together. It's definitely one of my favorite things too. The teens are growing in their love for God, and they want to praise and worship Him - it doesn't get much better than that.