Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tiny House

For the past two years, I've lived in this RV: 
It's been an ok place, but is a little too cold in the winter (and an eyesore).  We need to keep someone here on the Church property to keep an eye on things, and because of county codes, we can't build another permanent structure, so here's the plan: 

The plan is to build a Tiny House, a small cabin on top of a 8x20 Trailer.  Because it's on wheels, it won't be covered by Yakima County Codes.  I need to raise $10,000 to buy a flatbed trailer and supplies (wood, door, electrical, windows, etc).  This fall, I'll be building the cabin and adding a small bathroom, kitchen, and living area (you sleep in the loft).  The Tiny House will belong to the Church, and I'll be staying in it, kind of like a manse/parsonage.  Please pray about making a donation to make this happen.  To donate, send a check to Sacred Road Ministries PO Box 400 Harrah, WA 98933.