Wednesday, September 29, 2010

SPLICE, New Home, Visit to GA, and News from the Rez

Well I’m back from SPLICE and getting into the swing of things. I really enjoyed SPLICE as a spiritual retreat & a place to learn about myself and God. The three weeks focused on cultural differences, spiritual struggles, intrapersonal issues, team dynamics, conflict styles, stress/stressors, grief/loss, and other things. It was a wonderful experience and I made some great friends and learned a lot.

This past weekend I moved into a house near Toppenish, WA. I’m the caretaker/security for the McKinley Mission Church in Toppenish and live in a house behind the Church. I don’t really take care of much except for the lawn which won’t need care until the spring. Mostly I keep an eye on things, act as a presence on the property, and will talk to the occasional person that comes by needing something/someone. It’s a nice place, but a bit bare and lonely. I’m looking forward to getting a roommate in the spring. My new mailing address is:

PO Box 223

Harrah, WA 98933

I’ll be in Macon from November 20-29. I’m set to visit a Church in Columbus on November 28th and talk to the North Macon Presbyterian Church Sunday School Class on November 21st. I’m excited about coming home for a while, seeing friends, and spending Thanksgiving with my family.

The Bible Study this past Tuesday had about 40 children, 34 youth (a record high!), and 10 adults. It went well, but was a bit chaotic. Over the summer, the children’s lessons focused on Abraham-Joseph and we’re spending the fall on Moses and the Exodus. Last night, I spent time with Chuck and 7 youth guys in a small group. It was a good time to get to know them a little better, have some fun, and eat. This evening, we’re going to play some games with 10-12 youth, and roast hotdogs. It's been a busy and good week.

Grace and Peace to all of you out there!

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