Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back on the Rez

Sorry about the long time in between posts. Hopefully everyone out there go my November update and the news in there. If you'd like an update but didn't get one just email me. I had a good Thanksgiving break visiting with family, friends, and churches. I was really encouraged, excited about getting back, and am already missing GA people.

I just got back and already have some news/prayers. The three youth that are facing returning to their abusive father had their appeal heard today by the tribal appellate court, and we don't know when a decision will come down, but please pray for them and the 3 judges. We have no idea what will happen, but really need God to move and keep them with their foster parents.

In other news, it's super cold and there's snow everywhere. The Christmas feast is 2 weeks away, so pray that it comes together smoothly, the weather holds up, and we get everything done.

Thanks again for your prayers. Grace and Peace,

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